About us

Two months after I gave birth to Irina, a big, black-eyed baby, the first signs of atopic dermatitis began to appear on her skin. As she diversified her diet, I noticed that she had multiple allergies to basic foods: milk, potatoes, peas, carrots, apples, pears, wheat, broccoli, onions, olive oil, and dust mites. And the symptoms were even worse - in addition to the dermatitis, she was also very restless and didn't sleep well at night.

Our suspicions were confirmed by the tests, and the doctors admitted that it was a rare case of multiple allergies. Unfortunately, I had to eliminate a lot of foods from her diet, and with the remaining ones - a very short list - I had to find recipes and combinations that would satisfy her nutritional needs and that she wouldn't get bored with. Most of the time, we can't eat all four of us - two adults and two children - at the table. One of us has to stay with her, while the other two eat. The days when we cook so that we can all be at the same table are precious.

One of the problems identified in Irina's diet was the quality of the products. She tolerated organic food, but she had reactions to the same food - bought from the supermarket. Although nutrition is a subject that has always fascinated me, being an adherent of a healthy lifestyle, with a healthy diet (containing fruits, fresh vegetables, quality carbohydrates), now I have turned my attention to their quality. I realized that neither Irina, nor we, do well with products containing pesticides and other chemicals, so we started ordering and consuming mainly organic products.

So, when I was put in the position of choosing a field in which to start a business, I didn't think too much. I felt that I understood the client I was addressing, that we were on the same wavelength. So we have gathered on bioveg.ro certified products, gluten-free, lactose-free and that display information on allergen traces, vital information for an allergic person. But organic products are equally important for children, vegans, diabetics and athletes, for whom we have created a special section on the site.

It's no secret that my family is one of the loyal customers of the bioveg.ro store, because the products help us offer Irina a diversified diet in terms of texture and shape. There are some products that are hard to find and without which we couldn't do, such as Bio rice pasta - Rapunzel - gluten-free, without traces of other allergens; Bio Rapunzel pumpkin oil; Werz gluten-free whole rice semolina; Demeter gluten-free small oatmeal; Allos oat milk. In addition, we slowly start to reintroduce one food into her diet and we make sure that it is Bio, of the best quality. Sometimes she tolerates the reintroduction, sometimes not. But the few successes are valuable and fuel our optimism regarding her evolution.

As for the allergy to dust mites, which affected his sleep quality, we got rid of them: we bought a high-performance air purifier and anti-dust mite covers - for both the mattress and the pillows, we gave up carpets, we vacuum and dust daily and wash all clothes at 60 degrees, with the hypoallergenic Ecodoo Bio laundry detergent.

Through the bioveg.ro store, we aim to make it easier for those who make healthy living a priority. We live in a world where, unfortunately, the financial side matters more than morality, where a manufacturer does not think about the health of the consumer, but about the money that goes into his pocket. However, the damage done by products treated with pesticides and other substances adds up and we may pay more on "repairs" than we pay extra for an Organic food.

Choosing organic products is a long-term investment, but the results are also worth it, the profit being health. With friendship, Vali